GOArts is short for Georgia Open Arts Month which takes place each October.
It's a collective campaign to raise awareness about arts in our area.

Last October, I took up a challenge to see 31 shows in 31 days and blog about it... in the end, I saw 41.
Sure, it was a bit tiring but it was also an amazing opportunity.

The column on the left is a linked schedule of everything I saw.
For a more logical read of this blog o'adventures, scroll down to the first entry and start reading there.

I'm not a reviewer, nor am I an art critic.
I aim to raise public awareness about the great tapestry of arts & culture in our area and inspire you to get out there and enjoy it.
x ~ Here's a special thanks to the folks who provided me comps to some of these events! ~

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Canadian rhubarb pie: It's not celery!!! (Event #29)

Priscilla's in the kitchen and and she cooked up the title of this post for me!  Actually, six word memoirs about food motivated the artistic production that Priscilla danced in on Saturday morning.  Here's D. Patton White, Artistic Director of  Beacon Dance to explain:
Hey Keif! Thanks so much for carving out some time to come see A Bountiful Feast: A Moveable Feast!  Just a bit of background for at least a portion of the performance. My sister recently gave me a book of Six-Word Memoirs put together by the people from Smith magazine. So we took this idea and each of the cast members created 6 six-word memoirs of food or food related stories. We shared them during the performance and then asked the audience to share some with us. We will use those shared by the audience when we return to the Land Trust this evening for a twilight performance at 6:15 PM on the playground area. (Images of Beacon Dance's A Bountiful Feast: A Moveable Feast. Lou the Emu watches, too -- top left picture between fence and pond.)

My six word contribution at the event -- what else -- i love to eat with friends .

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